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Discover more within your data by splitting language sets

Relative Insight is all about uncovering the unknowns. One way to achieve that is by running as many comparisons as possible with the data that you have. 

Relative Insight uses comparison-based text analysis to reveal the words, phrases, topics, grammar and emotion unique to each data set or demographic analyzed. Relative can also help you split the text to be analysed in different ways based on associated data points such as the age or location of a survey respondent. Running multiple comparisons using a single set of data can paint a broader picture of your audience, helping you understand the topic from different angles. In this sense, Relative Insight helps you squeeze extra value out of the data you already have.

How does it work?

Let’s say you have a file consisting of survey response data including participant age, location, political allegiance, income level, date of response, etc. You can upload that massive file to Relative Insight in its entirety.

Then within the platform, you can split that data set to build any number of comparisons – Over 50 vs. Under 50, North America vs. Europe, Democrats vs Republicans, the list goes on. Comparison within one single data set can uncover how different demographics perceive your brand, providing insight to better communicate with each segment of your audience.

This type of comparison can be done with a range of data sources including social listening data, customer reviews and customer service transcripts. All of these data sources can even sit within a single file and be split using Relative Insight for a source comparison.

What does this look like in the Relative Insight platform?

First, upload your data to the Relative Insight data library.

  1. Head to the data library tab, where you’ll see your project title. Click the project.
  2. Within the folder, click create in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Choose the parser consistent with the format of your file.
  4. Upload the file from your computer.

Next, we split the data.

  1. Within your project folder in the data library, you’ll see all of your file uploads. To the right of the file, click the three dots.
  2. An option panel will pop up. Choose the split feature.
  3. From the dropdown, choose the data point you would like to use for comparison. Using the + button, you can include multiple conditions.
  4. Click the green button and you’re done!

Learn more about how to split data in our help centre.