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Product updates

A stylized screenshot showing the segmentation capability, with the use of age, gender and NPS promoter group as the main metadata points.

Introducing Segmentation: Creating new audiences from your Dashboard

02 May 2024
An image showing adjustment of the significance threshold in the Relative Insight platform.

Significance thresholds: How to tailor your results

02 Apr 2024
A featured imaged showing a screenshot of the AI Summary and instant splits feature in Relative Insight, on a green background.

Explore data like never before: AI Summary, Interactive Data Discovery and Instant Splits 

28 Feb 2024
A feature image on a green background showing some of the new features, including upload tile, verbatim explorer and instant splits

What’s new: Insights made easier with Verbatim Finder, Relative Flow, Instant Splits, and more

08 Jan 2024
A featured image representing the latest updates, including metrics preferences, overall metric and a pie chart.

Unlock the power of metrics: Relative Insight’s latest updates

29 Nov 2023
A feature image with two speech bubbles representing a conversation in French

Introducing French text analysis: Empowering global insights

05 Oct 2023
Data discovery image, showing a range of charts, bar charts and graphs

Relative Insight’s new Data Discovery

13 Jul 2023
Custom Topics blog

Bringing metrics to your specialist text data with Custom Themes

18 May 2023
Spanish language

Analyze text data with native precision: Topical analysis in Spanish 

13 Apr 2023

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