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AI innovation in CX insights

AI promises to revolutionize how CX teams operate. But how?

Relative Insight’s CRO, James Cuthbertson, has written a call to arms for CX insights professionals. In it, he outlines:

1. What you need to know about AI
2. How to incorporate AI into your processes
3. What to look for next among the tsunami of AI

Download James’s report to learn all you need to know about AI in CX insights.

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Decoding the language of luxury

Relative Insight explored why consumers are buying luxury products and experiences in record numbers. Our research uncovered what drives gen Z to buy the best, how consumers with reduced living costs are addicted to luxury, why inflation isn’t impacting the sector and how geography affects consumers’ mindsets.

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Consumer tribes: The vapor white paper

We asked people who vape lots of questions about other elements of their lives, and analyzed the responses. Five new tribes of consumers emerged with more in common than we expected…

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Analyzing the psychedelic language of trips

In order to test whether Relative Insight could extract useful insights from the most unorthodox, messy and unstructured text data imaginable we set to work analyzing psychedelic trip reports. The results were out of this world, but prove how anything’s possible with the right tech.

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How to pass the vibe check

Relative Insight surveyed hundreds of  global millennial and gen Z respondents to find out what they really think about sustainability, ethics, personal branding and consumerism.

Are skinny jeans embarrassing, and emojis over? Find out.

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Tracking the lexicon of mental health & wellness

To truly understand the emergence and divergence of the lexicon around wellness, we ran some text analysis from a variety of data sources including social, reviews and surveys. This report will help you think about the wellness movement differently, and what that means for consumers, beneficiaries and employees.

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