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Audience research

Veganuary: A snowflake trend, or growing social movement?

24 Jan 2024
An rugby player and football player running towards each other with concussion imagery visualized on their heads for a blog about fan sentiment towards concussion.

Exploring fan sentiment around concussion in rugby and football

09 Nov 2023
A tilted football with Taylor Swift style lipstick on it to visualize a blog about Swifties' reactions to Taylor's relationship with Travis Kelce.

Understanding Swifties’ mindsets using the Taylor/Travis love story

17 Oct 2023
A image of a variety of products in a shopping trolley on a green backdrop to illustrate customer sentiment analysis around Temu.

Customer sentiment analysis into US and UK consumers’ views on Temu

25 Aug 2023
A number of people wearing different running shoe brands running on a road with a green tint.

How consumers talk about running shoe brands

14 Aug 2023
travel trends

Monitoring post-pandemic consumer travel trends

21 Jun 2023
A selection of college buildings cut into vertical strips with green filters.

Exploring student reviews to see what influences diversity in colleges

31 May 2023
Analyzing opening weekend audience reactions to Cocaine Bear & Ant-Man

Cocaine Bear vs Ant-Man: Analyzing opening weekend audience reactions

27 Feb 2023
Insights from Chiefs and Eagles fans' pre-super Bowl conversations

Insights from Chiefs and Eagles fans’ Super Bowl conversations

09 Feb 2023

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