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An image of a waterfall at a luxury resort to illustrate a blog around how such a place analyzed real-time feedback.

Boosting guest experience through real-time feedback analysis

22 Jul 2024
A 4-step process using restaurant food preparation to visualize a CX insights process that enhances dining experience.

Building an analysis process to serve up a great dining experience

15 Jul 2024
An image of VP of Sales Rachel Banks alongside dining imagery to illustrate a restaurant customer experience program.

Why a restaurant customer experience program is a vital investment

09 Jul 2024
A medical device on a red, amber and green background illustrating NPS feedback.

How text analytics enhances Medtronic’s diabetes NPS feedback program

12 Apr 2024
An image of a department store with retail NPS colors to signify how retail feedback can improve in-store experiences.

How retail feedback analysis improved in-store experience and NPS

04 Apr 2024
A photo of Relative Insight CEO Ben Hookway as he explores the relationship between NPS and revenue.

Analyze customer feedback to boost NPS and revenue

19 Mar 2024
A beachside image with CSAT-style faces to represent a hotel survey.

Battling bedbugs and poor cleanliness using hotel survey analysis

05 Mar 2024
A CSAT meter overlayed on a restaurant to visualize a restaurant survey blog.

Augmenting a restaurant CSAT survey program with text analytics

27 Feb 2024
A gauge of different colors visualizing net promoter score analysis.

Preserving a recruitment business’s world class rating using net promoter score analysis

05 Jan 2024

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