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Track consumer trends with Heartbeat

Living in the information age, data is being generated at a rate that exceeds most organizations’ capacity to analyze it all effectively. This challenge is exacerbated by a lack of scalable solutions for analyzing unstructured qualitative data from social media, forums, customer feedback and other sources.

Relative Insight Heartbeat delivers an efficient solution for teams looking to track consumer trends and distill customer insights from this data without having to spend hours (or days) reading through it.

What is Relative Insight Heartbeat?

Heartbeat is a time-based text analysis visualization tool for monitoring the things you care about most in topical online conversations and customer feedback.

Heartbeat provides an objective view into how bespoke, user-defined themes are changing over time in text-based data. Changes in themes are visualised in easy to understand Heartbeat charts (see below) that enable organisations to monitor trends, identify opportunities and assess impact.

How it works

Creating a Heartbeat chart is quick and simple. Once set up, you can use it forever to continuously monitor conversations you care about.

  1. Define themes made up of the topics, words, emotions and grammar elements you want to track
  2. Create charts by uploading time-stamped qualitative data and applying your themes
  3. Visualize changes in the prevalence of your themes to spot trends and assess the impact of strategic initiatives
  4. Refresh data regularly to get a continual insight into the minds of customers and target audiences and track consumer trends

Distill and Track consumer trends from customer feedback and online conversations

Organizations are using Heartbeat to conduct customer feedback analysis and glean insight into target audiences through topical online conversations.

Customer feedback functions as a report card for a business and Heartbeat themes represent the criteria against which the business is being judged. For example, a retail brand may define themes comprised of words and topics relating to positive and negative mentions of quality, staff experience, store condition and value. Plotting these themes on a Heartbeat chart could help the company articulate the impact of a particular initiative on customer perception of the brand.

From a market research perspective, organizations have a vested interest in keeping a pulse on how the public is discussing topics relating to their business. For example, an electric vehicle manufacturer would benefit from understanding how discussions of battery life, charging stations, affordability and aesthetic appeal are changing so they can adapt their marketing, sales and product development strategies accordingly. Given the massive volume of relevant conversations being had on Twitter, forums and in the news, keeping up with these conversations by reading them is not feasible.

Heartbeat + Explore

The Relative Insight you’ve come to know is now called Relative Insight Explore.

Using Explore, users can compare two or more data sets to reveal what makes target audiences, customer segments and brands unique and similar. Explore equips teams with specific linguistic insights to inform marketing strategy, product development, customer service delivery and more.

Explore and Heartbeat are designed to work in tandem. Explore can reveal interesting things in your data that can then be grouped into themes to track consumer trends over time in Heartbeat. Where a Heartbeat chart reveals an interesting change or consumer trend, you can isolate a period of time and create a comparison using Explore to interrogate the change in more detail.

Watch on demand: Introducing Heartbeat

Monitor consumer trends