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Watch on-demand: Sustainability – tracking the ever-changing vernacular

It’s important that businesses carefully articulate what they are doing on the sustainability front. And more importantly, why. But we know that this can be complicated; and that there is a constant challenge to keep up with the evolving conversation – and so we decided that it’s high time to have a conversation about this ourselves.

For our Spotlight Series webinar in June, Relative Insight CRO, James Cuthbertson hosted The Shelton Group‘s, Suzanne Shelton, Jillian Ney of The Social Intelligence Lab, and Future-Fit Foundation‘s Geoff Kendall to talk about the fact that we’re now living in a time when having no opinion on sustainability is often more damaging for a brand or business than having the ‘wrong’ one.

Then, Jessica Long from Ipsos MORI presented their Perils Of Perception report and revealed a discrepancy that highlighted the differences in what people say about the environment, and what they actually do.

James discussed some research that Relative Insight undertook that answered various questions on key aspects of sustainability from a corporate and consumer viewpoint, including corporate sustainability, the premise of Zero Waste, and the ‘Greta effect’ of people’s understanding on the global crisis.

Conversation moved to perils of ‘green-washing’, how to tread the fine line in comms that educate and resonate, rather than alienate, and how being perceived as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is more of a grey area than would suggest.