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Explore data like never before: AI Summary, Interactive Data Discovery and Instant Splits 

A featured imaged showing a screenshot of the AI Summary and instant splits feature in Relative Insight, on a green background.

In the ever-evolving landscape of data analytics, ease of functionality is paramount. At Relative Insight, we know that time is money: you need to explore your data quickly and efficiently. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce features that streamline your analytics journey.

With our latest updates, you’ll get instant access to actionable business intelligence. Let’s delve into each feature in more detail.

Interactive Data Discovery: Dive deeper, discover more 

No more static charts and tedious data navigation. With Interactive Data Discovery, you can interact with your data in real-time. Simply click on charts to investigate trends and gain insights quickly. For example, the Topics Treemap and Relationship Map will open Verbatim Finder and instantly show you the relevant quotes and metrics.  

Instant Splits: Segment smarter, gain new perspectives  

Creating segments shouldn’t be a laborious task. That’s why we’ve introduced Instant Splits, allowing you to effortlessly generate segments directly from your interactive charts in Data Discovery.  

Uncover new perspectives and get your answers without the need for complex data manipulation. For example, if you are trying to understand why your key business metrics are changing among a certain customer demographic, Instant Splits speeds up the process, enabling you to arrive at your findings in minutes.  

AI Summary: Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for instant insights 

With AI Summary, we’re leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence to provide you with an instant overview of your data.  

Say goodbye to a lengthy analysis process – actionable insights are at your fingertips, accessible from your dashboard.  

By automatically identifying key metrics and top-level insights, AI Summary accelerates your path to decision making, giving you a swift, sharable summary that you can present to your stakeholders.  

Empowering your analytics journey 

At Relative Insight, we want to take away the complexities of data analysis and empower you to make informed decisions with confidence. With our latest updates, we’re redefining the way you interact with your data, ensuring that you have the right tools to surface the information you need.  

Experience the future of data analytics today with Relative Insight. Log in now to see the interactive Data Discovery in action.

Instantly understand why your key business metrics are fluctuating