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Gendered Linguistics: Women in Finance Insight Report

Is gendered language preventing women from pursuing careers in finance? When job descriptions seek candidates who self-identify as being ‘leaders, ‘competitive’ or ‘aggressive’, companies may subconsciously discourage women from applying to roles.

Focusing on historically ‘masculine’ attributes can be exclusive, leading to women deeming themselves unqualified for the job, and in doing so hinder efforts to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

In partnership with Head First Comparative Linguistics, the Gendered Linguistics: Women in Finance Insight Report reveals how gendered language used by financial institutions can dramatically affect the perception of future employees and ultimately, workplace diversity.

Taking an in-depth look at gender diversity in the financial sector, this research utilises comparative text analytics to compare and analyse the language used by financial institutions, new fin-tech companies and the wider public.

The report provides analysis of company websites, financial forums, employee reviews and social data, looking specifically at pronoun use and gendered language which could be utilised to diversify the financial workforce.

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