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Our top 3 tricks to effective content writing

Here at Relative Insight, we pride ourselves on our ability to help brands find tone of voice and messaging that resonates with customers. Our technology can support improved content writing for marketers – and that’s just one of the many cool things we can do. 

Relative Insight utilizes the power of comparison in our approach to text analysis. Our technology compares language data sets to uncover the unique attributes of each – including differences in words, topics, phrases, grammar and emotion. The platform can compare any written data source to uncover audience insights over time or across demographics.

In a world characterized by increasing amounts of content and decreasing attention spans, being able to communicate effectively has never been more important. Here are our top three tips to up your writing game and ensure your messaging lands.

1. Use conversational language

Direct, relatable language will always be in style. Adopt a tone of voice in your content writing that reflects how you would talk to your audience face-to-face and avoid verbose language that can be perceived as disingenuous. Remember, you’re trying to get your message across – not trying to impress a date with your sophisticated vocabulary.

Conversational language can be achieved through the use of first and second-person pronouns like I, we and you. Spoken techniques like contractions (e.g. we’ve, you’re) are also helpful in creating an informal tone of voice. Don’t shy away from other spoken interjections like oh, hey and yum, which can make the reader feel like they’re speaking to a friend. Avoid passive voice and ask questions to enhance the feeling of informality.

Simple words and concise sentences will ensure readable communications. Throw in a little personality – maybe a joke here or there – and you’ve got a conversational tone of voice. 

When it doubt, read it out loud. If it doesn’t feel like something you would say, don’t write it.

2. Keep it simple 

As an expert in your field, it can be easy to forget your readers don’t possess the same knowledge. What feels like an oversimplification to a professional, reads as understandable to an amateur. Simple and direct word choice and sentence structure create readable text.

Imagine you’re explaining the topic to a five-year-old child. How would you approach it? One technique is visual writing, which can be achieved through the use of descriptive verbs and adjectives. Using strong, visually stimulating words – as opposed to general descriptors – create better visuals. Instead of the word look, try stare or peer. Don’t just walk, stroll or trek.

Have others read your work prior to publishing. If they don’t find the language understandable, neither will your readers.

3. Know your audience

Arguably, the most crucial component of effective writing is a thorough understanding of your target audience. Brands must speak the language of their consumers, while adequately addressing their unique values and concerns. Utilizing the language of a target demographic will make brand communications feel familiar and relatable. 

How do I speak the language of an audience, you ask? With Relative Insight, it’s easy. Our platform can take relevant conversations from social media, review sites and forums and compare them against brand communications. This analysis will uncover where and how consumer language diverges from brand messaging, revealing the linguistic attributes your content is missing. Taking this approach enables you to align brand communications with any number of target audiences.

Relative Insight can help you fine-tune your communication style and content writing strategy. If your brand is more inclined to use second-person pronouns, verbs or contractions, our technology will spot it. The platform can also reveal where communications are misaligned with intended audiences, providing the exact words or techniques your brand must use in order to resonate with consumers.

Improve your communications with Relative Insight