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Hotel reviews uncover variations between Four Seasons resorts

Hotel reviews uncover variations between Four Seasons resorts

Hotel reviews play an essential role in influencing the decision-making process of potential guests. However, rather than just looking at ratings, uncovering trends in the reviews themselves helps you to understand what is good and bad about a venue.

When browsing reviews for the ideal accommodation, you likely apply filters (such as look at the most recent) and scan through a few before making a decision. Anything else would take too long. But what if you’re a brand looking to discern differences in performance in a variety of hotels across the countries?

To get a full picture of what a hotel excels at, or where it needs improvement, requires reading more than a dozen reviews. Achieving this with manual analysis takes time and is susceptible to bias – with human analysts looking to validate existing hypotheses or being influenced by the first reviews they read.

Text analytics tools solve both these issues. To demonstrate, Relative Insight took four hotels from Four Seasons’ cadre of resorts: Maui in Hawaii, at Walt Disney World in Orlando, on the Las Vegas strip, and in Jackson Hole near Great Teton National Park. Segmenting between good and bad hotel reviews, then comparing the topics, words, phrases, grammar and emotions guests used, revealed what vacationers are more likely to discuss in each location.

Within 40 minutes of gathering the reviews, Relative Insight uploaded, analyzed and quantified insights using its customer feedback analysis platform. Despite being part of the same brand, each hotel had distinct flaws and flourishes.

Las Vegas: A place of calm with exceptional staff service

Interestingly, guests who stayed at the Four Seasons on the Las Vegas strip enjoyed it as a peaceful retreat from the bustle of their destination. Their hotel reviews were 2.4x more likely to talk about the ‘calm’ of the hotel, particularly in comparison to the ‘craziness’ of Las Vegas, which they mentioned 28.0x more.

It’s wonderful to step away from all the craziness into the peaceful atmosphere at the Four Seasons. Walk in the private entrance to the private elevator and when the doors open you will forget that you are in Las Vegas!

Reviewers also highlighted the hotel’s exceptional staff service. Guests praised the friendly and helpful staff who went above and beyond to make their stay enjoyable, describing them as an ‘asset’ to the hotel 9.2x more than positive reviews at the other three locations.

I had one of the best massages from Robert, in the spa. He is a great asset to hotel, so friendly and I was so relaxed after his massage. Can’t say enough about Robert or recommend him enough!

As one of the few pet friendly hotels on the strip, the Four Seasons Las Vegas attracts tourists wanting to bring their furry friends along for the ride. However, this has the potential to upset people looking for a true luxury experience. In negative reviews about the hotel, guests were 6.6x more likely to express dissatisfaction with pets and animals found within their accomodation.

Upon check-in I thought that I had used the wrong entrance and entered the check-in for a kennel. There were four dogs and a cat wandering the lobby.

Pricing grates on Grand Teton guests 4.2x more

Despite being a luxury hotel brand, Four Seasons vacationers in Grand Teton were quick to highlight when they didn’t feel they received value for money. They were 4.2x more likely to talk about the hotel’s ‘prices’, relating to the rooms themselves, its restaurant and also the cost of any excursions booked through the accomodation.

It’s overrated and extremely overpriced – I expect these prices in Hawaii, but not Wyoming.

Despite some reviewers complaining about the cost of excursions organized through the hotel, many others offered high praise for this service. Grand Teton travelers were 2.6x more likely to highlight the hotel’s concierge staff and service in positive reviews when compared with other locations.

Let me say first that the concierge staff are exceptional and very helpful.

Hotel reviews for this location pinpointed one feature which impressed the most – hot tubs. Guests talked about them 13.2x more at the Grand Teton Four Seasons, with many highlighting not only the tubs themselves, but also the drinks service provided to people using them.

The outdoor hot tubs were wonderful, with two concierges who would bring you drinks and fetch your robe from the heated locker when you got out.

Technology 5.4x more likely to intrigue Orlando travelers

There are many aspects of Walt Disney World which spring to mind when thinking about the resort. Technology is unlikely to be among them, unless you are a guest at the Four Seasons hotel. They were 5.4x more likely to talk about the state-of-the-art technology both within their rooms and throughout the premises.

I am so lucky I was able to stay in this technology-driven work of art. Comfort and happiness.

This sense of wonder extended to the accommodation’s design. Guests talked about this 2.8x more when compared with positive Tripadvisor reviews of the other locations, with many suggesting that the hotel complements the overall aesthetic of the resort.

The hotel is so beautiful, we had to google who designed the rooms. The ballrooms and really the whole area are lavishly designed with the most opulent fixtures.

Despite the technological and design marvels of the rooms, there was a more basic element which guests pointed out in negative reviews. Some travelers were unable to change the ‘temperature’ in their rooms, leading to the word overindexing 20.1x in negative Orlando feedback.

“I would think a hotel of this caliber would allow guests to control what temperature they want to sleep at. They offered us a fan. Glad I am paying these prices for a fan.

Guests were also 5.0x more likely to reference occasions where they felt the experience was less than premium, particularly through the use of the word ‘cheap’. These complaints ranged from the quality of the food to the coffee capsules within rooms.

What really seemed cheap to me was the fake Nespresso capsules they have in the room. I’ve never seen them before at any hotel of any caliber. How much more expensive could real Nespresso capsules be?

Small pools 2.0x more likely in Four Seasons Hawaii hotel reviews

While the Four Seasons Maui Hawaii scored highly overall, there was one bugbear which overindexed within critical feedback: Swimming pools. Reviewers were 2.0x more likely to reference the challenges with the pools at this hotel, including their size and the speed at which they became too full.

It’s overpriced and has a ridiculously small pool area. If you are content with rubbing elbows with your fellow guests you’re in for a great time!!!

In contrast, the hotel’s ‘food’ did impress. Positive reviews discussed this 1.4x more, encompassing words like ‘breakfast’, ‘dinner’ and ‘buffet’.

We dined at Ferraro’s and Pacific Grill and the food was incredible. We ate at other recommended restaurants in town but the food simply could not compare to the Four Seasons.

Guest also complimented the availability of ‘music’ within their rooms, plus the overall selection used in the hotel’s communal areas. They talked about this 3.0x more, with many keen to stress that they enjoyed the relaxed vibe introduced by using traditional Hawaiian melodies.

A guitarist and cello player provide amazing music that’s amplified and discretely projected from hidden speakers in the shrubbery. Romantic with an R.

Getting the most from Tripadvisor reviews

Using Relative Insight to analyze Tripadvisor reviews has identified customer feedback trends for Four Seasons hotels in Las Vegas, Orlando, Hawaii, and Grand Teton. The brand can use these insights to rapidly evaluate what its hotels are doing well and where they need to improve.

For example, the Four Seasons Las Vegas should do its upmost to maintain its calm atmosphere and exceptional staff service, yet needs to make sure this tranquility isn’t ruined by being pet friendly. While the Four Seasons is undoubtedly a luxury chain, its Grand Teton offering should be mindful of local pricing, with guests put off by its expense when compared to other local services. However, guests did feel its concierge staff and hot tubs were worth the money.

Four Seasons Orlando has nailed both its design and the technology available. However, it must ensure guests have a premium experience throughout their stay – particularly when it comes to getting the room to a comfortable temperature. Finally, Four Seasons Maui Hawaii guests enjoyed the food and music, yet were disappointed with the lack of room around the pool – something the hotel should look to improve.

Relative Insight efficiently and accurately gets to the heart of what matters within your customer feedback. Whether using reviews, surveys, CX transcripts, social feedback or other text data sources, you’ll quickly uncover quantified insights which offer clear courses of action to improve customer experience. Speak to one of our team now to find out how you can make sense of customer data.

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