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Webinar showcases how Deliveroo uses new AI report generator

An image of different graphs and charts to illustrate Relative Insight's new AI reporting tool.

Relative Insight’s new AI report generator – Accelerator AI – took center stage in the latest Spotlight Series webinar. Bea Jones, Senior Insight Manager at Deliveroo, explained how the brand has improved its customer insights by using the tool, while also expediting its analysis process.

Ben Hookway, CEO and James Cuthbertson, CRO at Relative Insight, joined Bea to discuss the rationale behind the tool, as well as the challenges it will help to address.

To hear insights from all three panelists, you can watch the webinar on-demand using the button below. This blog offers a quick summary of the key points made by each speaker.

A graphic with a button leading to a YouTube link of the webinar referenced in the article.

Storytelling backed by metrics

Bea outlined the key areas where Accelerator AI had helped the brand to gain a deeper understanding of its customers.

She highlighted that senior stakeholders at Deliveroo loved analysis that brought customers to life. However, in a data-driven tech business, they also need quantified metrics to be able to make decisions. Accelerator AI provides them with both.

During her presentation, Bea outlined how using the AI report generator had provided a quantified summary around aspects of its brand tracking survey. She noted that 38% of responses to a question around barriers to using Deliveroo or its competitors were ‘other’, with customers using open-ended responses to highlight factors preventing them from using delivery apps.

Not only does this provide vital insight into how customers talk about the app, it has also enabled the team to tweak the survey to make it clearer and reduce the number of responses under ‘other’.

“We can really quickly use that summary, along with the rest of the survey output, to better understand barriers,” Bea said. She added: “We can also share it in a way that resonates with our stakeholders; they love seeing those numbers alongside the customer story.”

Getting value from community data

Like many organizations, Deliveroo collects a vast range of text data from customers. This includes its customer research community forum.

Previously, Bea and her team would only look to analyze this data when it presented a solution to live business problems. Due to time constraints, the team didn’t have an opportunity to extract further value from this source of customer insight. That has changed since the team started to use Accelerator AI.

Bea revealed: “Through Accelerator AI we can really quickly get value from that data and pass it onto the relevant teams.”

She cited the example of two recent sports events: the Olympics and the European soccer championships. The brand ran discussion rooms with its customer community around these themes, with Bea uploading their responses into the Relative Insight platform.

Accelerator AI rapidly provided a meaningful summary of what customers were saying about these events and how they related to their ordering habits. For example, 33% of respondents referenced ‘pizza’ when discussing the soccer, while 57% made a link between Deliveroo, the Olympics and special offers, as Bea outlines:

“What was really interesting to us was that customers saw an opportunity for us to do more in this space,” she recalled. “Accelerator AI summarized their ideas, things that were coming out were around special themed deals and potential partnerships with sportspeople.”

“We’ve been able to create a story here really quickly. It’s this kind of context which could otherwise be lost, and it’s so valuable to our marketing team for campaign planning and finding inspiration.”

What Accelerator AI does for you

During the session, James outlined how the AI report generator will support customers’ reporting processes. He began by highlighting how Relative Insight’s discussions with customers had led to the tool’s creation:

“Our users and analysts are very time-poor. They have a lot of different things competing for their time. What we needed to do was use the advances in technology available through AI to allow them to create stories from their data at the click of a button.”

James went on to highlight how Accelerator AI aligns with brands’ existing insight reporting processes. He noted that frictionless outputs are key in generating interest from stakeholders, which in turn improves the chances of insights being actioned.

“Senior decision makers do not want to be pushed onto new ways of consuming information. If they’re already used to consuming dashboards through Tableau or PowerBI, that’s how we’ll report,” he said. James went on to list the numerous outputs the Relative Insight platform services, including CRM integrations, PowerPoint slides or emails.

An AI report generator to go beyond the ‘why’

To begin the webinar, Ben took viewers through Relative Insight’s thought process when it came to creating Accelerator AI.

Ben argued that when it comes to text analysis, often it’s not enough for organizations to know the why behind the what. He highlighted five criteria that tools needed to meet to drive business change:

  • Know why in time to make the change
  • Know why with detail to be effective
  • Make sure the right people and systems know why
  • Know why with evidence and metrics
  • Know at scale with AI

This need for a combination of speed and metric-backed evidence was the synthesis of Accelerator AI. Ben contended that standard B2B software offered data with a user interface to provide information, but businesses only drive action based on knowledge, not information. He stated that generative AI is the key to turning information into knowledge:

“Where we see GenAI as making massive strides is accelerating the transition from data and information to knowledge. The faster you get to knowledge, the faster you get to action — this is what GenAI enables. This is why we’re so excited about it and this is the philosophy that Accelerator AI was developed with.”

Want to find out how you can use Accelerator AI to enhance your insights process? Find out more about this evolution in text analysis.

Learn how Accelerator AI can support you