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Market research and qualitative analysis in the time of coronavirus  

Amidst the uncertainty of coronavirus lockdown, individuals and businesses have been under pressure to adapt their routines in order to keep afloat. For many, it hasn’t been as simple as setting up an office in your sitting room, and carrying on with business-as-usual.

Market researchers have been faced with an impaired ability to conduct fieldwork, focus groups and face-to-face interviews that form the basis of the work they do. So here at Relative Insight, we wanted to do our part to make qualitative analysis and jobs-to-be-done less of a daunting prospect.

Here are some some practical tips to help market researchers deliver insights to their clients during these complicated times.

Maximizing the value of your existing data:
Think about whether you’ve squeezed all the value out of the data you already have?

Chances are you might not have, so consider these traditionally ‘hard to analyse’ qualitative data sources:

  • Survey open ends
  • Existing focus group and phone interview transcripts
  • Reviews
  • Forum data

Using Relative Insight’s platform, you can slice and dice this data to develop unique insights about specific audience groups by comparing across geography, demographics, channels and more. Our comparison-based technology can help you discover things that you would never have even thought to search for.

Open-sourced market research:
While traditional market research channels may be on hold for the foreseeable, it doesn’t mean there is no new data to tap into during this time. In fact, as people are self-isolating, and working from home, there is a huge amount of data being created in the public domain.

As people turn to social media (even more so than usual) to stay connected, there is relevant discussion taking place on a host of topics, including:

  • How long lockdown will last
  • Government policies and behaviour of political leaders
  • New activities to lose yourself in at home
  • New recipes and ingredients to try, now that some food staples are hard to get hold of
  • Effective work from home habits

Undoubtedly, there are insights contained in this data that would be useful for every business trying to adjust to the new normal, and Relative Insight can help you pull these out.