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We help businesses understand why their KPIs move with advanced text analytics

Changing Perspectives

Changing perspectives on text data as a source of business improvement

We’re on a mission to change how businesses think about and learn from the masses of qualitative text data being produced from feedback, online conversations and customer service interactions. With a powerful suite of text analysis tools, Relative Insight enables businesses to quickly quantify and visualize what customers, target audiences and employees are saying and how it impacts their core KPIs so they can make informed decisions that drive results.
A History in Law Enforcement

Used by brands worldwide from a heritage in law enforcement

Our text mining technology was initially deployed to help British law enforcement to uncover masquerading behavior online. Our proprietary comparative text analytics engine was used to identify the subtle differences in how actual teenagers talk vs. adults doing sophisticated impressions. Our determination and rigor in tackling this problem show today in our groundbreaking AI applied to business data.
Trusted by Leading Brands and Agencies

Stakeholders need to know why their KPIs move in time and with nuance

Today, Relative Insight provides an enterprise-class solution for analyzing NPS and CSAT survey open-ends, customer reviews and ratings, social media conversations and transcripts. Our text analysis platform is being used by hundreds of leading brands and agencies including Nespresso, Campbell’s and R/GA to enhance their understanding of customers, target audiences, employees and competitors.

Discover what text analytics can do for you