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Watch on demand: ‘Giant killers’: the tale of challenger brands

Brand experts discussed the meteoric rise of ‘giant killing’ disruptor brands and what happens when these giant killers themselves become the giants in our latest Spotlight Series webinar.

Hosted by Relative Insight account manager, Will Sohler, we were joined by two giants of the PR, marketing, ad and brand world. Kathleen Lucente, founder and CEO of Red Fan Communications, and Evan Faber, CEO of Moxie Sozo, shared their experiences using comparative text analysis to glean unexpected, and powerful consumer insights.

The webinar showcased Relative Insight’s case studies and features an investigation on how challenger brand ‘discounters’ – Aldi and Lidl disrupted the UK grocery market. Using a blend of clever social marketing that mirrors consumers’ language, plus ads replicating jokes made at their expense, these brands are now giants in their own right.

Then we talk about category-shaking subscription boxes. Their growing popularity is not down to simply being in the right place at the right time, so we explored consumer conversations to understand the secret of their success. The mattress industry has seen similar disruption with the entrance of D2C brands like Casper and Emma.

If you’d like to meet with Kathleen Lucente at Red Fan Communications, you can reach her @Kathleen Lucente.

@Evan Faber is contactable by email, so if you would like another game of rock, paper, scissors drop him a line.

Relative Insight can help you get value from your text data – contact us to see the platform in action and have a conversation about how you can put our technology to work in your organization – whether you’re a giant or a killer challenger brand…

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